Monday, May 29, 2006

Let Them Watch Burish

The Blackhawks recently signed Adam Burish even though he has but little talent and will add nothing but roster filler to the team. This sounds a lot like Marie Antoinette's infamous statement, "let them eat cake," instead this time around its "let them watch Burish."

Of course, they say that Burish is a "character guy."

Yeah right.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Bolland Blows it Again

Blackhawks Website Prospects Watch.

Center Dave Bolland fails again to score. This guy is a loser as is most of the other Hawks prospects. The Hawks must have one of the worst scout staffs in pro hockey. However, just what does Wirtz care?

Nothing. He is responsible for the twin debacles of Tallon & Yawney.

Such is the state of affairs for Hawks fans.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Fire Trent Yawney

The 2005-2006 NHL season is over and its already clear that Trent Yawney is a failure as head coach of the Chicago Blackhawks. The team suffered a series of humiliating defeats with such scores as 9-1 and 6-1. Most telling was the game against Detroit where the team was ahead 2-0 with only 38 seconds left in regulation. The team thereupon gave up 2 quick goals in succession and proceeded to lose 3-2 in overtime.
Even worse, was Yawney’s reaction to the horrific defeat: He just simply stared into space just like he always does. He is a soft coach who wants to be loved by his players. Yawney is the exact opposite of his Hockey Hall of Fame predecessor Coach Brian Sutter who was a hard charger and who did not play favorites among his players. Yawney has clearly lost this team and it is time to bring Sutter back.
The sad thing is that all this was easily predictable. General Manager Dale Tallon messed this team up by letting go/trading experienced players such as Goalie Michael Leighton and Defenseman Bryan Berard. On top of that, it was Tallon’s brilliant idea to dump Sutter in favor of Yawney whose coaching experience was limited to the bush leagues.
Either fire Trent Yawney or watch future seasons go down the tubes.